Del reino de lo invisible | Paloma Villalobos

Del reino de lo invisible is an artist’s book by Paloma Villalobos in which the author reflects on the uncertainty provoked by the pandemic, from the compilation and assemblage of fragments of whatsapp chats received during the first weeks of quarantine and confinement in March of 2020.

The procedure of writing was developed from the selection of short phrases, in their majority emotional and highly interpretable, that the artist’s friends and relatives sent in those first days of perplexity. These ephemeral and virtual textualities were fixed with a process that is as analog and obsolete as the use of transferable letters (letraset) over paper. This sequence of phrases rewritten by hand, letter by letter, configures a choral poem, intimate and uncertain, which at times is interrupted by images captured in that same period that remind us of the momentary paralysis of human activity: decontaminated skies, vegetation sprouting spontaneously through cement, screens and collective actions of false hope.

The book suggests that from the “reign of the invisible” emanate certain threats that we will never observe. It is a reign that governs our lives without us being able to see it, touch it, nor control it and that, suddenly, fractures the course of “normality.” From this reign certain natural phenomena arise like earth tremors and certain pathogen agents like the virus.

The edition possesses a print run of 20 copies produced entirely in the workshop of Naranja Publicaciones and contains distinct forms of interventions handmade by the artist with letraset (transferable letters) in each copy.

This book is part of the research ¨Un mundo sin nosotr_s: relatos y visualidades en tiempos virulentos¨ Fondecyt n° 3210188.

$90,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP)

In stock (can be backordered)

Additional information
Weight 0.7 kg
Dimensions 24 × 17 × 1.5 cm




  • Joan Flasch Artists’ Books Collection, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.
  • Fine Arts Library, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
  • Special Collection of the Tisch Library, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA.
About the author

About the author

Paloma Villalobos Danessi (Viña del Mar, 1976) is a Chilean visual artist, PhD in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid and current Fondecyt/Anid postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chile. Her artistic and academic practice relates thinking with images, visual culture and social and natural disasters. She has exhibited her work in different countries, published numerous research articles, carried out artistic residencies in Antarctica, Madrid and Rapa Nui, and has been awarded several grants and funds throughout her career.

Technical specifications

Author: Paloma Villalobos

Tecniques: ink-jet

Format: hardcover book. Interior printed in ink-jet on hand-sewn algae paper. Die-cutting and photo application printed on printing paper. Interventions with transferable letters.

Editorial design and binding: Naranja Publicaciones

Dimensions: 21 x 12 x 1,5 cm

Print run: 20 copies

Language: Spanish

Year of publication: 2023 – 2024

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