In this section, we invite a person related to the field of artists’ publications to answer seven questions of a questionnaire with images.

The main rule is that each question must be answered only with photographs or images, without captions or descriptions.

For version #3, we invited artist and editor Hannah Yukiko Pierce of Small Editions to answer the questionnaire. Let’s see the results.

An image that defines your work

A treasured object in your home

Show us what the sky looks like as you answer this questionnaire

An exhibition that moved you

An essential book in your library

An artwork to which you constantly come back

A spoiler of what you are currently working on

Hannah Yukiko Pierce is maintaining an artistic practice through collaborative publishing. She is the director of Small Editions, a book design, print production, and artists’ book publishing studio in Lenapehoking (Brooklyn), New York.

Small Editions aims to elevate the book as art, melding traditional handbinding with multimedia construction methods in varying edition sizes from a handful of fine artworks (bookworks!) to zines in the hundreds.


IG: @smalleditionsnyc

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