Poesía visual: proyecto para hacer un libro | Guillermo Deisler

$30,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP)


Poesía Visual: Proyecto para hacer un libro (Visual Poetry: Project to craft a book) is a re-edition of the work published in May 1973 by Chilean artist Guillermo Deisler with Ediciones Mimbre. This was probably his last publication in the publishing house before the coup d’état and his exile in Europe.

This piece materially explores Deisler’s reflections about the book as an art support; text, image and material reading; the inversion or alteration of communication flows between sender (author) and potential receivers (readers); via pages intervened with different procedures (eg. Die, folding, knots, etc), and containing a command from the author (eg. Play, scrape, tear off, etc) on which to act upon, causing the book to be irreversibly altered until its potential destruction. This re-edition also recovers Deisler’s conclusion essay, originally found in the last page of the book; and adds a letter from Naranja Publicaciones’ editors which provides context to understand the piece.

This is a numbered edition of 150 copies.



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